Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. (Arthur C. Clarke) |
A towel can become a turban, in times of heat, and, yes, in times of cold. Better still, it can become a keffiyeh if you want (if you're not familiar with one of those headdresses look long and hard at a traditional Arab). It can remain a dress for as long as you want - working alternatively as a sarong, a lungi/mundu/dhoti, or a shawl (and, yes, the towel-shawl can be used as an over-garment too). If you're Superman or Batman or Magneto, you definitely can try using a towel as a cape.
It can also be a carrying bag for little pieces of stuff, or a stuffing for those little pieces in a larger carrying bag, especially if those little pieces are kind of fragile. You also can beat out smaller fires with a towel, or really small adversaries (more so if you have a bit of Shaolin training in you). For the faint of heart, the idea would be to wrap the killing instrument with a towel to use it as silencer.
A towel is also a sleeping arrangement. If you don't believe me ask any of those loners from the Lonely Planet. You can spread a towel on the ground to turn it into a bed, or spread it on your body to turn it into a blanket, or roll it under your head to make a pillow. If you already have everything needed to sleep turn the towel into a window drape, so that your neighbor won't find out that you're prone to sleeping unshaven. Who needs more, really!
A towel is an dining arrangement. Pour some puffed-rice or flattened-rice or crisped-rice onto it along with some mustard oil, onions, chili and, voila, you have a plate ready. For drinks, dip a corner of the towel into the drink and suck on it (for heavy drinkers, a better idea would be dipping the whole towel in). If you have the plate and the glass already there, then use the towel as a seat, or a cover for the seat. Wonderful, eh?
A towel can become a bandage or a sling in medical emergencies. You can use it as muleta (that would be a small piece of cloth that you wave in front of an angry bull, but only if you're either very suicidal or a trained matador). For a little child it can be a very comfortable hammock or a baby-sling. And, hey, in this month of Ramadan, how can I forget its amazing use as a prayer rug.
Thank you Lord for giving us this wonderful gift of a towel. Hallelujah.
Heavily inspired by Douglas Adams and Smita Aparna