Does it really work?

I started the morning with a rather sad realisation.

I was watching shampoo commercials. I do that a lot because I handled a lot of hair care brands. I try to steal ideas get inspiration and insights.

But the commercials were all similar, full of the same visual semantics.

Visual cues like lush hair in movement, water splashing, clean scalps, great casual hair styling, running of finger through hair, wind through hair, quick head movement to make the hair move, now increasingly girls in casual dresses and so on dominated the content. The formats were: (a) story, CG, product shot; or (b) endorsement, CG, product shot... or a variation of the two. There were celebrities, common woman, and experts endorsing the brands or the product variant.

There were a great many of them, and all were trying to spend as much they can.

I only get the local feeds that carry either Bangladeshi or East Indian commercials. So I turn to the web to look at other markets.

No ideas to steal from, nothing to inspire.

Does this really work?